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Prof. Dr. Raden Sulaiman, M.Sc. confirmed as a professor in the field of science algebra mathematics on Thursday, July 27 2023. The inauguration was held at Unesa Rectorate Buildin
Surabaya, Thursday 27 July 2023, a senate meeting will be held to inaugurate professors at the Surabaya State University. There are 6 lecturers who will be confirmed as professors and two of them are lecturers in mathematics and mathematics education
Surabaya, 19 October 2022. The Unesa mathematics education master's and doctoral study program presents a visiting lecturer, namely Assoc.Prof. Aditya Adiredja from the University of Arizona. His visit to Surabaya State University discussed the po
Thursday, September 22 2022. Unesa graduate school conducted virtual guest lecture activities via zoom meeting. This activity is entitled qualitative research methodology with resource person Dr. Elisabeth Taylor and Prof. Peter Charles Taylor fro
The Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Publication Unit of Surabaya State University held an online Scientific Publication Workshop for students and lecturers which was held at the weekend (Saturday, 25/06/2022). This workshop discusses Ethi
Surabaya State University Postgraduate Program held an international guest lecture on the topic of research methodology on Tuesday, June 28 2022, featuring Assoc. Prof. Andrzej Cirocki from the University of York, England as the main speaker. The